Individual H145-2024 Max Cyclic
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My Wishlist3rd generation of our H145 controls
- All grips in standard version are industrial grade SLA resin prints with high impact resistance
- All grips in metal version are industrial grade powder metal printing in Aluminum
- All dimensions are acquired from the actual aircraft
- Cyclic with duo stage trigger: 1.ICS/radio, 2.Reset, 3. AP UM OFF, 4.Trim release, 5. Beep Trim, 6. AP/bkup cut, 7. AP/bkup on, 8.Spare, 9. Spare, 10. Spare, 11. AP GTC
- Custom pistons provide realistic feeling for control inputs
- Hall effect sensors for all axis
- Compatible with Windows XP to Win11, Mac OS, DCS, MSFS2020, FSX, X-Plane, P3D, FlightGear, WarThunder, and all flying PC game / Flight simulator!
- Plug and Play with 1 USB connection
- Compatible and expandable to mix and match with any of our products